selamat datang.terimakasih.jumpa lagi

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

all about ...

beberapa perkara yang anda mesti tahu pasal CIK NURULANISSA BINTI ABDUL RAHIM

1. seorang student wanita,perempuan,girl,women,ladies and segala bagai yang sama maksud dengannya.
2. sangat comel (dri pandangan matanya sendiri)
3. kuat tido serta rajin TIDO (hobinya buat masa sekarang)
4. rajin belajar (bila perlu)
5. tidak merokok (kerana belum rasa dirinya matang)
6. sangat sayang akan keluarga, teman, ibubapa, bofrend, kanakII, dan domo (pemberiankekasihhatinya)
7. kuat cemburu serta minat bercemburu (kekasihhatinya jugabegitu)
8. kuat membebel juga berangan (sape berangan otak akan aktif wooo)
9. kuat makan makanan yang halal (tapi tak reti nak membeso badan nihh)
10. obses dengan warna biru dan terlalu menyintai chocolate sebagai santapan di masa suka dan duka
11. sudah ditawan hatinya oleh seorang jejaka beragama Islam (sangat hensem)
12. bercita-cita tinggi untuk menjadi seorang wanita yang bekerjaya (masih dalam pemikiran)

semua manusia itu tidak sempurna. jangan terpedaya dengan kata-kata diatas. *AMARAN KERAS.
sekian. terimakasih .

Sunday, June 5, 2011

because i miss you ..

Looking back on everything,
I still remember his smile.
I wish things didn't end so soon,
And turn back time for awhile.

No matter how much it hurts,
I still love him so.
A part of me needs him so much,
Can't seem to let him go.

Knowing I won't be able to see him,
Makes my heart cry out in pain.
I can't believe we won't talk anymore,
The thought makes me wanna go insane.

He was my reason for waking up,
For the smile you see on my face.
Going a single day without him,
Makes me feel so out of place.

I was afraid of opening up,
Now I'm afraid of the next day.
Whenever I see him one last time,
I'm terrified of what he may say.

I know tomorrow will hurt,
But the tears will fade away.
Life is too short for regrets,
There will be a brighter day.

But when I see him one last time,
I won't know what to do...
When he tells me that last goodbye,
I'll whisper,"I already miss you..

i miss you.. !

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* I wrote this poem because yesterday is the last day i see his faced. Which means the last day he end their holidays with me. Things will change, feelings will change, but I'll miss him like crazy until I can see him again. Thanks for reading.. hope you enjoyed. IMY dear F <3